The time of day preferred for dental procedures changes from person to person, but consider moving your appointment from the afternoon to the morning as it could make the procedure easier for you. There are several factors that contribute to the idea that morning dental procedures are easier for the patient, including less hassle involved and less time to overthink it.
One of the more obvious reasons is that there is less time to overthink the procedure. While a patient may only be going in for a routine surgery, they may become jittery throughout the day with the anticipation of the procedure. If it is performed in the morning, there is less time to mull it over. Getting it out of the way can help you overthink it less and allocate the rest of the day for recovery.
If you have the procedure in the morning, it means that you will have healed sufficiently before night time, and will be able to get a good night’s sleep. If you have a surgery in the afternoon, you could still be experiencing some pain come night time, or the bleeding may not have subsided, in these cases you may find it more difficult to sleep. If the dental procedure is in the morning, it is likely to be your first appointment of the day, and you are less likely to worry about being late. This is helpful for those who have a busy schedule and if you need to fast before the procedure.
Overall, having an appointment in the morning makes the procedure less hassle for the individual and easier on them as they can spend the rest of the day recovering. To book an appointment with us, contact our office now.