It is normal for your mouth and teeth to feel tender and sensitive after most dental procedures. Chewing certain foods can be very difficult during your recovery, but it is important to keep getting adequate nutrition to aid in the healing process. The exact post-procedure diet we recommend will vary based on the state of your teeth and the type of surgery you are getting, but here are some general guidelines for foods you should eat and foods you should avoid after dental surgery.


Liquids and soft foods are your best bet during your recovery, and the softer the food the better for the first few days. Soups (as long as they are not too hot), smoothies, applesauce, mashed bananas, yogurt, and ice cream are all great options that are very easy to chew after dental surgery. Smoothies are especially healthful if you stir in protein powder, since you may not be able to eat a lot of other protein sources during your recovery period. Just make sure you do not use a straw to drink your smoothie, as this can cause dry socket. Other soft food options include mashed potatoes, cheese, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, avocados, tofu, pudding, and refried beans.


After dental surgery, you should not eat anything too hard, crunchy, chewy, or sticky. These types of foods can cause pain and slow down your healing process. Specific examples of foods you should avoid after dental procedures include most meats, raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, candy, bread, crackers, and spicy foods (as they can be irritating when your teeth and mouth are extra sensitive after being operated on).

If you have questions about what foods you should or should not be eating after a dental procedure, do not hesitate to call our office. We are here to help!